
Urban trucks S.L (hereinafter referred to as 'Greenparts') reserves the right to accept or reject any order received. The customer is responsible for providing the correct part number and desired quantity when placing the order. Greenparts will not be responsible for delays in the delivery of goods and will not accept any charges for damages due to such delays. The reception of exchanges has a maximum period of 30 days, and after that period, the value will not be reimbursed. Greenparts se reserva el derecho de evaluar y rechazar los productos recibidos como intercambio, antes de realizar abono del sobrecargo aplicado a los mismos. El plazo de devolución será de 14 días, según lo indicado en la Ley General para la Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios. Para ingresar al formulario de devolución consulte el siguiente enlace.


Payment will be made through our Greenparts website under the conditions established in the order/ invoice confirmation. (Leo) Costs/pricing policy. All invoices will be paid in full without any discount and in the currency in which they were issued. Under no circumstances will the customer be entitled to make any deductions or withhold payment for any reason or delay the settlement beyond the terms specified by Greenparts.

Product Identification:

Los nombres, números, símbolos y descripciones de todos los fabricantes son solo para fines de referencia y no implica que ninguna parte utilizada sea producto de estos fabricantes.


In cases of purchases made by CONSUMERS, the provisions of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users (LGDCyU) will apply, which establishes the following warranty periods.: USED PRODUCTS: 1 YEAR from the invoicing date. If the lack of conformity becomes apparent during the first 6 months, its existence will be presumed at the time of delivery, and it will be GREENPARTS' responsibility to prove that there was no lack of conformity. Otherwise, after 6 months from the delivery date, it will be the consumer's responsibility to demonstrate the existence of the defect. El consumidor deberá informar inmediatamente a Greenparts, del mal estado de la pieza o de los defectos que ésta pudiera tener, enviando cualquier documentación técnica, incluidas fotografías del artículo considerado defectuoso, y cualquier información que proporcione evidencias de la reclamación a efectos de poder cumplir con los plazos de garantía anteriormente especificados y responder a su falta de conformidad. Ningún artículo será devuelto para inspección a menos que Greenparts haya dado su autorización por escrito. Frente a los empresarios en calidad de compradores, queda excluida la responsabilidad por defectos de los bienes usados. Esto no será aplicable en caso de negligencia grave o de dolo y, en todo caso se regirá por el código civil español en sus artículos 1484 y siguientes.

In the event that the warranty is exercised, if the part is within the warranty period and is defective, we will resolve in the following order::

  • - Repair of the supplied product
  • - Replacement with another product in similar conditions
  • - O Reembolso si ninguna de las anteriores fuera posible

Cases where the warranty will not be valid (Exclusion of warranty):

The warranty stipulated in the previous section will not be valid in cases such as:

  • - Natural wear, improper use, insufficient or incorrect care of the goods, improper or unsuitable use; negligence on the part of the customer.
  • - Incorrect installation, especially if the part ordered is clearly incorrect.
  • - Improper treatment/handling.
  • - Modification or alteration of the product.
  • - When the breakdown is a consequence of elements external to the supplied product.
  • - Cuando el deterioro de los repuestos sea consecuencia de modificaciones manipulación o almacenamiento en un lugar no conforme.

Durante la reparación de los repuestos en garantía Greenparts no se hará cargo de los gastos ocasionados como inmovilización, indemnización, pérdida de explotación o similar. Shipping and return shipping costs are also excluded from the warranty. This warranty is only for direct customers of Greenparts and cannot be extended to third parties.


To ensure the proper functioning of hydraulic parts and to avoid the loss of warranty, we recommend the following before installation::

  • - Check all mechanical parts involved in the repaired assembly.
  • - Check the hydraulic hoses.
  • - Clean the entire hydraulic system.
  • - Replace hydraulic oil and filters.
  • - Fill the hydraulic oil reservoir and purge the air from the system.

Withdrawal for online purchases:

When there is a right of withdrawal, the conditions, deadlines, and procedures for exercising that right, as well as the model withdrawal form. j) Where appropriate, an indication that the consumer and user will have to bear the cost of returning the goods in the event of withdrawal and, for distance contracts, when the goods, by their nature, cannot normally be returned by mail, the cost of returning them.